About Us

Our purpose is to ensure that our children have the opportunities and skills they need to thrive in a world where computing is ubiquitous. Our children are our future and the future needs them to learn Computational Thinking.

We help communities implement K-12 Computational Thinking curriculum. We do this by developing curricula, delivering teacher training and certification programs, and creating learning tools so that communities can quickly implement the curriculum.

We are currently focused on implementing our Kindergarten Computational Thinking curriculum. It consists of lessons aligned with International Standards. Our curriculum can be easily implemented because it contains learning trajectories, lesson plans, activities, assessments, presentation materials, and teaching guides. All we need to do is to train teachers and they can easily teach the lessons to their students.

We are passionate about education, technology, and Computational Thinking. Our children is our future and we strongly believe that they need to learn Computational Thinking.

We are looking for Partners who also believe that our children need to learn Computational Thinking. Please read through the pages of our website to know more about what we do and why it's important to teach Computational Thinking to our children.